I just recently watched actress Emily Browning during a press conference for the new movie Legend. She was asked how she prepared for her role. Her response was a confirmation to me about what I, too, see in myself.
She said she doesn’t have a specific process of preparing, and when you read the script, the character is there on the pages. When she acts, it just happens and when the camera stops she has no idea what she just did. That’s where she lays it all on the table. She does not think, she just does. And that is the only time in her life she does not overthink.
“It’s never a specific process.” Each character for her, and each subject for me, are so different. Each has their own story to tell, the result will never be the same.
I realized that when I photograph, I think of nothing else in the world. Everyday I worry and stress (too much, I’m working on it), and for photo-shoots I study photographs and study poses. But when the time comes for me to actually work with my camera and my subject, the world is gone. That is when I can create and forget troubles, worries, and even prior inspirations I wanted to remember. That is my only time in life that I let go.
With my senior year in progress, and graduation months away, I am constantly looking at job postings. What is next, what if this or that? Truly, it is terrifying.
I’ve also been reminded that “fear is the only thing stopping people, fear stops you from starting, from success.” I’m so scared of what is next, but I must live in what is now. I must embrace the uncertainty, the moments of creative inspiration that hit me. When you know this is all you know you must do, and that you were put in this world for this, you will make it happen. You have to want it.
I’m thankful for inspiration, and thankful for the unknown. & most importantly, I'm excited.